Could Trump Possibly Be Leto II?

First, I have to say I can’t believe I’m actually writing this. I join with millions of other citizens of the U.S. and the world who are terrified that Donald Trump is president of the United States. The chancellor of Germany has said the rest of the world can no longer rely upon the U.S. for leadership, which is true.

That said, I can’t shake an idea that entered my mind a couple of months ago. Could Donald Trump, Mr. Apprentice himself, be leading this country and maybe all of humanity down his own version of Leto II’s Golden Path?

Let me explain for those who haven’t read Children of DuneGod Emperor of Dune, and the other sequel Dune novels. Leto II, having the same prescient powers of his father, Paul Atreides, knew that something had to be done to strengthen humanity or it would self-destruct eventually. So, he made the sacrifice and took steps to become The Tyrant. When he became emperor, his policies were harsh and calculated to create that inner strength in humans to protect the species. It also gave future generations a template of what not to do to avoid such a ruler before.

So, even though he seems like a monster who just doesn’t know what he’s doing, that lets his passions drive him, that reacts when his delicate ego is bruised, all creating numerous international diplomatic incidents, is it possible that he actually knows what he’s doing? Is it possible that Trump may be smarter and more clever than we give him credit for? Is it possible that all of these measures are carefully calculated to protect the country in the future? So far, Trump’s presidency is a step-by-step of what not to do for future presidents, a guide for future legislators and judges of how to keep leaders in check.

I don’t whether I hope more I’m right or wrong. I want to be wrong about this hypothesis because I can’t stand conspiracy theories and I don’t want to give him more credit than he’s due. On the other hand, I want the best for people. I want the citizens to learn from this. And these events are such a perfect storm of bad things that it almost points to them being orchestrated.


Published by

Jay Reynolds

I am an autistic atheist geek living in East Texas. Yeah.

One thought on “Could Trump Possibly Be Leto II?”

  1. 2/2 autistic atheists agree! I thought the same thing. I took the original series with me to Iraq. He horrifies me too, no doubt.

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